The Structure of SUF
In SUF we are organized in different sorts of groups. The most important ones are our 18 local groups, which are based around different places of Denmark. Each member belongs to a local group, which will typically be the one which is the closest to where the person lives. The local groups have a high level off autonomy – which means that they can work on subjects without the rest off the organisation being involved. In other words, they can do what they want to locally.
These local groups are parts of regional networks around the country called Regions. SUF has eleven Regions who coordinate their regional work by having their own autonomous meetings. Each region has at least one delegate in the leadership. The number of delegates varies in proportion to the size of the Regions.
SUF’s leadership consists of 30 people. Nine of them are elected at the annual national congresses and the rest are the delegates from the local groups. Furthermore, the leadership consists of a honorary treasurer who is appointed once a year at one of the national congresses.
The leadership has two important roles: First of all they have to ensure that the campaigns, activities and the line of the organization, which the national congress has determined in our work plan, are carried out. The leaderships other role is to make important political decisions and be SUF’s public image to the media and the public in between the national congresses. The leadership can, at any time, be distrusted by a majority of SUF’s members or a national congress.
The leadership, who meets once each month, has a coordination group, appointed by the leadership, who meets once a week or whenever they have to decide on urgent matters.
The national congresses, which are SUF’s highest authorities, are held once a year. At the national congresses the members of SUF decide on the political work and opinions, establish the work plan and elect the delegates to the leadership and a honorary treasurer. All members of SUF have the right to speak and vote on the national congresses.
SUF also consists of subject- and organizational groups. The subject groups work with certain topics, such as anti-racism, feminism and international relations. These groups have different authorities which is negotiated either by the leadership the national congress.
All oppressed groups have the right to organize in self-organized groups.
The organizational groups work on organizational matters: For example our internal and external magazines and our homepage.
The organizational authority hierarchy is as follows:
The national congresses
The leadership
Regions and local-, subject- and organizational groups
The Secretariat